淘宝的开源监控工具 –同事推荐安装测下来非常不错 可以配合zabbix进行数据的采集


[mysql@mysqldb tmp]$ tsar 
Time           ---cpu-- ---mem-- ---tcp-- -----traffic---- --sda---  ---load- 
Time             util     util   retran    bytin  bytout     util     load1   
24/04/14-22:30   1.19    64.77     0.00    13.00    5.00     0.13     0.00   
24/04/14-22:35   1.29    64.70     0.00    47.00    5.00     0.08     0.00   
24/04/14-22:40   1.35    64.73     0.00    17.00    6.00     0.09     0.00   
24/04/14-22:45   1.32    64.75     0.00    17.00    5.00     0.17     0.00   
24/04/14-22:50   1.29    64.76     0.00    22.00    5.00     0.05     0.00   
24/04/14-22:55   1.33    64.69     0.00    17.00    6.00     0.10     0.00   
24/04/14-23:00   1.30    64.77     0.00    13.00    5.00     0.12     0.00   
24/04/14-23:05   1.99    62.80     0.00    98.00   27.00     4.44     0.30   
24/04/14-23:10   1.32    62.84     0.00    17.00    5.00     0.07     0.00   
24/04/14-23:15   1.28    62.79     0.00    22.00    5.00     0.09     0.00   
24/04/14-23:20   1.64    62.83     0.00    16.00    6.00     0.16     0.00   
24/04/14-23:25   1.44    62.75     0.00    14.00    5.00     0.03     0.00   
24/04/14-23:30   1.40    62.82     0.00    16.00    6.00     0.10     0.00   
24/04/14-23:35   1.95    62.76     0.00    68.00   60.00     1.52     0.08   
24/04/14-23:40 ------    16.26     0.00   ------  ------     0.00     0.56   
24/04/14-23:45   1.50    15.96     0.00    83.00  120.00     0.18     0.00   
24/04/14-23:50   1.37    16.17     0.00   146.00  428.00     0.36     0.00   

MAX              2.87    87.37    35.71    14.2K    1.3K    12.42     0.56   
MEAN             1.57    40.76     0.37   137.02   27.99     0.35     0.02   
MIN              1.14    15.96     0.00     1.00    0.00     0.03     0.00   
[mysql@mysqldb tmp]$ tsar  --help
Usage: tsar [options]
    -check         display last record for alert
    --check/-C     display last record for alert.example:tsar --check / tsar --check --cpu --io
    --cron/-c      run in cron mode, output data to file
    --interval/-i  specify intervals numbers, in minutes if with --live, it is in seconds
    --list/-L      list enabled modules
    --live/-l      running print live mode, which module will print
    --file/-f      specify a filepath as input
    --ndays/-n     show the value for the past days (default: 1)
    --date/-d      show the value for the specify day(n or YYYYMMDD)
    --merge/-m     merge multiply item to one
    --detail/-D    do not conver data to K/M/G
    --spec/-s      show spec field data, tsar --cpu -s sys,util
    --item/-I      show spec item data, tsar --io -I sda
    --help/-h      help
Modules Enabled:
    --cpu               CPU share (user, system, interrupt, nice, & idle)
    --mem               Physical memory share (active, inactive, cached, free, wired)
    --swap              swap usage
    --tcp               TCP traffic     (v4)
    --udp               UDP traffic     (v4)
    --traffic           Net traffic statistics
    --io                Linux I/O performance
    --pcsw              Process (task) creation and context switch
    --partition         Disk and partition usage
    --tcpx              TCP connection data
    --load              System Run Queue and load average


[mysql@mysqldb tmp]$ tsar  --check -C
mysqldb	tsar	cpu:util=1.4 mem:util=16.3 tcp:retran=0.0 traffic:bytin=107.0 traffic:bytout=122.0 io:sda:util=0.0 load:load1=0.0 
[mysql@mysqldb tmp]$ tsar  --check 
mysqldb	tsar	cpu:util=1.4 mem:util=16.3 tcp:retran=0.0 traffic:bytin=107.0 traffic:bytout=122.0 io:sda:util=0.0 load:load1=0.0