myawr-v3 release now !

history of myawr:

v1: create by noodba

mysql load information and system information 

v2: create by louis liu

myawr_v2 add :

1 more os information module.

2 multiple instance support (extend table by db_port)

3 modified some bugs (mistake value)

4 add different statistics views

v3: create by louis liu

base on myawr_v2

myawr_v3 add sys schema information

(statment statistics/index&table stat/IO latency/file&table IO stat and so on)

including performance schema and information schema

so you need open performance schema on your mysql database

myawr_v3 now support mysql 5.6 GA and will continue support mysql feature version

before install myawr_v3 you need run sys_schema to create formatted views for data collecting.

Overview: Myawr_v3 mysql performance web show
